Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Alex's Top 10 in Written Form! With Pictures!!!


And here we are again! Another year down and another slew of movies to comprehend and compare. Unlike the last few years, 2010 brought a cavalcade of competent cinema that was absolutely unprecedented. I was fully unprepared for the likes of the last few months and the intense entries into the Oscar season that began to give way as the year came to a close. Now, as always, I'm certain that this list will be viewed as juvenile and haphazard (story of my life) but these are MY top 10 movies of the year. I wish I could watch all of these entries over again to more properly gauge my level of enthusiasm and their prowess, however, I will stand by every one of these entries and will fight you to the death for any of them! (Though I will admit, I give major kudos to originality and ingenuity in form over traditional cinematic bravado) Let the ranking begin!

10. 127 Hours

Danny Boyle does so much with so very little. In this masterful retelling of the infamous expedition-gone-wrong of Aron Ralston, Boyle makes the story of a man trapped in the desert for five days into a life-affirming, absurdly inspirational tale. Boyle deserves immense credit for taking a cinematically antithetical story and turning it into one of the most captivating of the year.

9. Never Let Me Go

Mark Romanek made a big splash on the screen this year with this film, which delves into themes of humanity, fate, and despondency at the hands of one's own demise. All against the backdrop of a beautifully filmed, beautifully performed script. Never Let Me Go reaffirmed Andrew Garfield's, Carey Mulligan's, and Keira Knightley's prowess all in one fail swoop.

8. True Grit

Being the second Coen brothers movie I have ever ACTUALLY enjoyed, True Grit put multiple stereotypes of mine to rest. I was concerned about ANOTHER overly hyped Coen flick, I was concerned about another update of a classic western, and I was concerned about a story with a cliche, precocious, young female protagonist who comes across as seemingly unflappable. But when you realize that the Coen's entire body of work details the lives of larger-than-life characters that are seemingly unflappable, you begin to forgive this mini masterpiece for its very few flaws.

7. The Kids Are All Right

Easily one of the best pieces of acting this year, the raw talent in this film makes me question how more fuss wasn't made over it. Annette Bening and Julianne Moore are irreplaceable in this comedy about the inner-workings of family and the importance of love, understanding, and functionality in the face of adversity, stress, and life's constant ambiguity. Did I mention that the performances are incredible?


6. The Social Network

One of my more traditional choice for the year, Fincher's techno-epic about Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is truly as efficient as the hype made it out to be. With a spot-on score produced by Trent Reznor, and cinematography that would make lawn-mowing a fascinating, IMAX-worthy venture, the film is almost incapable of NOT delighting audiences.

5. I Love You Phillip Morris

Ironically, this may be the most contested movie on this list, as it does have its fair share of tonal anomalies and inconsistencies, however, Phillip Morris simply cannot be overlooked as one of the most adventurous and insightful picks of the year. It takes risks and utilizes techniques just as well as 127 Hours and The Social Network, both. It merely uses them in different regards and for different outcomes. Not to mention that the performances are absolutely fabulous.

4. Kick-Ass

Again, this film can be RIDICULOUSLY tonally inconsistent at times. It can even leave viewers borderline disenchanted and at a loss. But for fans of the genre, and just movie geeks in general, Kick-Ass lives to deliver both a send-up of the entire superhero canon, as well as overtly-indulgent entry in and of itself.

3. Toy Story 3

If you would have told me that a three-quel to one of the biggest Disney franchises of all time would make my top 3 of ANY year, I would be forced to furrow my brow at you in extreme doubt, but Toy Story 3 is one of the most adroit offerings that Pixar has put out since...well, I guess since Up. Still, it speaks incredibly highly of a studio that is capable of making sequels to films without losing any of the magic and without giving in to any sense of pandering or desperation. Pixar should literally be a class that all film executives at EVERY studio should have to take.

2. The Fighter

Going into this movie with little to no expectations of what I was about to see gave way to easily one of the most enjoyable movie-going experiences of this year. David O. Russell truly knows how to make an incredible film, both critically and for mainstream audiences. Visually arresting, with performances that are EASILY Oscar-worthy (I'm looking at you, Christian Bale and Amy Adams) this entry came out of nowhere and proved to be my second favorite of the year AS WELL AS my technical #2. The film simply cannot be denied as a masterpiece on multiple fronts.

1. Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World

If you ever wanted to confirm my absolute geekiness, look no further than this #1 pick. Is it a stereotypical selection? Sure. Is it a smidge over-praised by moi? Perhaps. But I simply don't care. Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World was easily my favorite movie of the year and easily one of my top 10 favorite films of all time, as well, perhaps even top 5 (I told you I was willing to acquiesce that I may be a bit blind to this movie). Everything about this movie takes the extravagances of previous cinematic treasures and expounds upon them. I challenge you to find a faster-paced, funnier, better-choreographed film that speaks so directly to an entire culture and properly adapts six graphic novels into a story under two hours long. Did that sentence just blow your mind? Well that's how you feel for the entirety of the movie, even after the tenth viewing. I know from experience.

P.S. And to be fair, here is a list of the most-talked-abouts that I have yet to see:

_The King's Speech

_Shutter Island

_Waiting for Superman

_The Town

_Fair Game



_Despicable Me


_Blue Valentine

_Animal Kingdom

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