Saturday, June 4, 2011

JUDGEMENT!: X: Men First Class

Quinno, a friend of mine from back in the day, recently saw the new film X: Men First Class. I read his review of the film on facebook and died laughing and asked if I could post it here on The DNA Show. Hope you all enjoy.

The Good: The movie should’ve been titled "X-Men Origins: Magnet Featuring Random X-Men Characters From Random Timelines With Random Events With A Total Disregard Of Any Continuity To The Comic Books." The reason for this...Magneto was friggin‘ awesome!!! He makes every other mutant in the movie look like weak sauce lil girls. I found myself thinking, "If he decided to slaughter the rest of the team, they couldn’t stop him." There's a scene at the end with a coin. You’ll see what I mean.

The Bad: If you're a fan of the comics or grew up reading them as a kid (like I did) throw everything you know out the friggin’ window! This movie doesn’t follow the books at all. For those that haven’t read the books, you'd have no idea that the only character in the movie that was actually in the first class was Beast. You’d have no idea that Havok is Cyclops younger brother (he's older in the movie and there's no mention that he even has a mutant brother). Only two of the members of the HellFire Club were actually in the HellFire Club. What the fuck? And the brother Darwin dies yet in the books he's still alive (even in X-men the n****s die first.)

The Ugly: If you're just a fan of the movies and are unfamiliar with the comic books the continuity still sucks! In "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" (which takes place after the events in this movie) Emma Frost a.k.a. White Queen, appears as a child. Yet in this movie she appears as an adult. What the fuck? Mystique and Prof. X are raised as brother and sister yet they barely acknowledge each other in the other movies. Prof. X and Magneto attempt to recruit Wolverine, yet neither remembers him later in X-Men.

Finally: If you just wanna see a bunch of awesome "eye-candy" and Magneto kick sum arse, get to a theatre. If you're a fan of the books…wait for the DVD. I was annoyed at damn near 80% of the movie. And I tried to ignore all the crap I grew up reading but it didn’t help.

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