Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bitchfest: Remake Roundup

Hello, kiddies, Alex here.  While I know that I basically go on a weekly diatribe about the horror that remakes and reiterations of ulterior properties entails, I thought I would spend a minute and list the disgusting cadre of remade schlock that is jumping from the pre-production limbo that is show business, to the production lines.

First and foremost comes news that a brand new Austin Powers is in the works.  While I'm admittedly a fan of the series (yes...even Goldmember) the prospect of a new entry into the universe, which felt concluded after the SECOND episode, is less than enticing more than 9 years after the last.  Resurrecting Austin Powers is hard to swallow when the very franchise it was predicated off of can barely make garner a revival.

Next comes Bridget Jones' Diary Volume 3. Renee Zellweger, Colin Firth, AND Hugh Grant have all spoken openly about coming back for this third rendezvous, which STILL fails to make any sense to me.  Zellweger, I understand.  Her career was never truly in any admirable way, but Colin Firth and Hugh Grant are superstars, highly lauded for performances in roles that many actors would die for.  All this and without Paul Feig yet attached to direct.  The writer of the books in the series is actually creating the third novel in tandem with the screenplay, much like Scott Pilgrim was completed (bonus points for drawing a Bridget Jones-Scott Pilgrim association).

John Carpenter's prequel to The Thing is garnering positive reviews, Footloose has released multiple trailers, and The Highlander is without a director (though, surely that will change).  Now, if you've clicked more than one of the above links, you've noticed that they all source back to /Film.  The entire impetus for this article came after I logged onto /Film's site and saw the above scroll of news headlines almost ENTIRELY dedicated to remakes, reboots, reinventions, etc. etc.  I have been out of the film journalism world for almost the entirety of 2011.  There just have not been any releases that have piqued ANY semblance of interest from me.  That being said, as an avid cinephile, after logging out for MONTHS and then immediately logging back into that world, I'd like to think that I have a more objective eye than those who see these threads multiple times a day, as they become desensitized.  So let me just state this: THIS IS INCREDIBLY DISCOURAGING.  Where is the crop of exciting, original features that have been created years in advance?  Where are the no-budget, indie darlings that command support from the community?  What the hell has become of the filmscape?...I don't actually have answers, only terrified rattlings.  Someone, please save us from Hollywood's conglomofilms...that is all.

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